I worked with Caryn for over five years, starting from the time I was hired at About.com, when Caryn was one of two managers of new “Guides,” passionate freelancers who are each experts in a specific topic area. As a New Guide Manager, Caryn was a positive force to help me learn how to be successful with my topic area. She was an absolute pleasure to work with, and she was extremely knowledgeable in vital areas like SEO, building an audience, and planning content. She also made learning a robust and complex content management system easy and clear, and she was quick to answer questions and concerns.
I continued to work with Caryn over the past five years, and have been constantly impressed with her. She has not only helped countless other other new Guides get their footing, but she has also masterminded an upgrade to our documentation, making it easier to find up-to-date information, taught sessions on improving search-engine visibility in person and via web, and provided support and advocacy in many other topic areas.
On a personal level, Caryn is a real joy to work with. She has a positive attitude, is professional and upbeat even under pressure, and is passionate about her job. I think any company would be lucky to have her as a member of their team.